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张贴: 9 December 2023 - 0 留言 [ 留言 ] - 0 引用 [ 引用 ]
Category: 游戏

There's only one Weapon that Rogue players use Dark And Darker Gold outside of daggers, the Rapier, and even then the general playstyle is pretty similar to using a Dagger. In any case, these are the Weapons that work best on a Rogue, listed from best to worst:

Dark and Darker - Loading Screen Art Showing Rogue About To Ambush A Party Of 2

Other than that, all the aspects of the Rogue players need to know come from actually getting experience playing the class. 

In terms of what stats to look for on Armor or Weapons, Rogues tend to benefit the most from buffs to their True Damage, Agility, Max Health, Weapon Damage, and Physical Power. Outside of that, all that's left are some basic tips for those just starting out with a Rogue

Never Try & Solo A Team: While the Rogue can often win in 1v1s, it's almost impossible for them to beat a whole team like a well-geared Fighter or expert Barbarian could. Solo Rogue players need to avoid teams at all costs.

Getting The Drop On Someone Is The Most Important Thing: Taking someone by surprise is so much more important than getting one free hit in while they're distracted by an NPC enemy. Players who suddenly start getting shanked by Rogues tend to panic, lock up, and open themselves up to even more free stabs.

Don't Worry Too Much About Fighting PvE Enemies: Fighting against the NPC monsters is where the Rogue can actually struggle quite a bit, more often than not it's better to cheap Dark And Darker Gold just kite them, run around, and close doors behind them.

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