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张贴: 3 November 2023 - 0 留言 [ 留言 ] - 0 引用 [ 引用 ]
Category: 游戏

The AI making the assignment calls is going to Dark And Darker Gold need to be super reliable though, or run the risk of taking the blame for all tactical calamities. The most amazing thing, though, is that we've got all this way through a story about an Aliens RTS without me doing an "I'll do the fingering" APM joke. And there we are.

Speaking of which, the trailer also notes that death is permanent, and losing a marine in combat is irreversible. Amazon's 'dark patterns' alleged to have deceived millions of customers into signing up for seemingly endless Prime memberships

I assume you'll be able to call on additional squaddies to fill the boots of the fallen, X-Com-style, rather than trying to complete the campaign with an ever dwindling four-ball of increasingly depressed marines. 

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is suing Amazon for an alleged "years-long effort" to enroll consumers into its subscription service without their consent "while knowingly making it difficult for consumers to cancel their subscriptions to Prime."

According to the complaint, Amazon has been using "manipulative, coercive, or deceptive user-interface designs known as dark patterns to trick consumers" into signing up for automatically renewing Amazon Prime memberships. The FTC claims that this practice has been going on for years and violates the FTC Act and the Restore Online Shoppers' Confidence Act.

The FTC further alleges that Amazon intentionally made purchasing and locating items difficult for users not subscribed to Prime. According to a statement, when customers did sign up for Prime, "the button provided to consumers to finalize their transaction did not explicitly indicate that selecting that option would also buy Dark And Darker Gold result in joining Prime with a recurring subscription."

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